Airlist for iOS

This is the experience you have been waiting for. A native and modern outliner for iOS (iPhone and iPad).

Try it now through TestFlight.

Get the features you’d expect from a native app

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop items to easily rearrange. Or, drag and drop URLs and text from outside Airlist to easily create a new item.

Light and Dark Mode

By default, Airlist will mirror the system color scheme. You can also set Airlist to always be in light or dark mode.

Custom Icons

Airlist comes with 16 different icons to perfectly match your home screen.

Custom Icons

Badge Icon

Choose a saved search and it’s count will be reflected on the app icon badge.

Badge Icon

System Date Picker

Dates play a big part in Airlist. It couldn’t be easier to find and choose the exact date you need.

Date Picker

And so much more…

Try it now through TestFlight.

Available on iPhone, iPad, and any web browser

Airlist supports you where ever you are. Seamlessly syncing between your devices.

Airlist Devices on iOS

iPhone and iPad Apps

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Airlist Devices on iOS
Airlist on MacOS

Mac App

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